- the system with bite!
2 = Multi, weak two in either major.
is rare, but possible
Pass or correct
Game-forcing inquiry
minimum weak two-bid
3 = GF relay, 3=spades 3=hearts
3/ = Pass or correct
medium strength
maximum strength
invitational in both major, equal holding r better
invitational in both major, better
to play
Best Defense to Multi 2:
Double 2 = Major-suit overcall or 23+ balanced
2 = Club overcall 14+
2 = Diamond overcall 14+
2NT = 16-19
3/ = Suit 8-13
3/ = 7 cards suit invitational
3NT = 20-22
If you have a takeout double of one of the majors, you pass 2 and later double, when they bid your short suit.
If you pass 2 and partner acts in fourth chair over responder's 2/ response, it is natural, and double is takeout.
If you have any suggestions or inquiries for future information please email me on Stan Lee