The 1 / -Opening
These openings promise 4+cards in
the opened suit and dey 4+ in the other Major. The HCP range is 10-14 in 1st & 2nd seats and 12-16 HCPs in 3rd & 4th seats.
These bids are actually the key-stone of the system - the aim is to get in as
often as possible.
Warning: Do not open 1
with a really bad hand because there is no Balanced-minimum response to a
Relay, and also it is often difficult to braek-out into a playable spot.
Responses to
1 /
1st-step |
GIR with 12+ HCPs (or 11 HCPs with a fit) |
1-raise |
Constructive (8-11) balanced raise with 3+support |
2 raise |
Pre-emptive raise with 4+support |
2NT |
Limit raise in Major with some shortage |
3 / |
6-card suit (9-11) inviting 3NT |
3NT |
Solid minor |
Other |
Natural non-forcing |