Symmetric Relay
The 1C - Opening
The 1D - Opening
The 1H/S - Opening
The 1NT - Opening
Moscito Two's
Control Asking Bids and Denial Cues
Simplified Relay

- the system with bite!

Interference over Relays Next

We don't abandon our system after virtually any interference! When the intervention on Captain's (Relayer) right, he can do the following:

(Double) Re-double Offer to play
(Other) Pass Relay
  Double A double from the Captain brings exchanges to close

When the intervention on Responder's right (or on his left and Captain pass), he can:

(Double) Re-double 1st-step of system bid
  Cheapest step 2nd-step of system bid
(Other) Pass/Double 1st- and 2nd-step of system bid
  Cheapest step 3rd-step of system bid


If you have any suggestions or inquiries for future information please email me on Stan Lee